For the seventh consecutive year, the Overhead Door™ Brand has earned the 2018 Women’s Choice Award® by WomenCertified® for America’s Most Recommended National Garage Door Brand.
“It is an honor for the Overhead Door™ Brand to receive the Women’s Choice Award for garage doors for the seventh year in a row. We remain committed to providing the expert garage door service and solutions that women consumers have come to trust and appreciate year after year,” said Ali Isham, Director of Marketing at Overhead Door Corporation.
According to Forbes, women are the world’s most powerful consumers, and their impact on the economy is growing every year. Women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing, through a combination of their buying power and influence. Influence means that even when a woman isn’t paying for something herself, she is often the influence or veto vote behind someone else’s purchase.
Women have a multiplier effect. They are multiple markets in one. Because women serve as primary caregivers for children and the elderly in virtually every society in the world, women buy on behalf of the people who live in their households, as well as for extended family (such as older parents and in-laws) and friends.
The Women’s Choice Award is based on customer ratings and a national survey distributed to more than 100,000 women. The organization rates products from a wide variety of industries, including beauty and wellness, retailers and automotive, and it has set the standard for helping women make smarter consumer decisions.
The Door People provide residential and commercial overhead door sales, service, installation and repair – call or visit us today!